DPAD Finance Unveils the World’s First Data-Driven and Transparent Launchpad
DPAD Finance Unveils the World’s First Data-Driven and Transparent Launchpad
If you call Launchpads the life-wire of blockchain projects, you would not be far from it. From available facts, over 60% of DeFi projects making waves in the industry today received their maiden financial injections through Launchpads. As important as they are to the crypto space, the current wave of Launchpads is still compromised in many ways. Among the several limitations that exist in the industry, over 95% of existing launchpads are not data-driven while many others undermine transparency, interoperability, and have a poor vetting process. Some of those limitations only become evident when there is a widely-reported security issue as witnessed on many protocols that get hacked with millions dollars’ worth of tokens going down the drain.
These are some of the gaps in the Launchpad industry that ignited the attention of DPAD and we are resolute on birthing a unique Launchpad that is never existing anywhere.
DPAD Launchpad and the DATAS Approach
DPAD’s DATAS Approach means “Data-driven and Transparency as a Service ‘’ approach designed to help investors make informed decisions about their investments. In a typical Launchpad, the IDO investors are left to research the projects themselves, while the launchpad focuses on the IDO event. This is generally code-named as DYOR which means “Do Your Own Research”. In the end, this approach mostly leaves prospective investors with no information while many others buzz-off to other important activities. The reasons for such action are obvious.
Most investors, for example, value their time and over 83% of potential investors may not be ready to navigate the process of identifying a valid project, researching its yield probability, and then investing. About 15% of IDO investors may have the time to research indeed, but there’s also a tendency for them to not have access to key assessment indicators for them to evaluate different projects before investing while the remaining 2% just take the risk and invest blindly the amount they can afford to lose.
On DPAD Launchpad, however, we will not just be providing some sketchy data, but we will be dissecting each crypto project from various decisive angles. Following our initial background research, we will provide an analytical overview with grades or ratings attached to each theme of each project.
For the sake of transparency, the public will also be able to evaluate the project based on the project’s tokenomics, whitepaper, the TGE, feasibility, roadmap, blockchain technicalities and so on. This transparent approach removes any form of biases that may creep in from the in-house team to foster investors’ trust from outside.
As critically thought-out by DPAD’s team of developers, our solutions are tailored to students, financial experts, executives, athletes, and those willing to invest in the crypto space but do not have the time to research before an IDO event. Inadvertently, DPAD Finance is expanding the scope of IDO Launchpad in quality and in terms of quantity of willing IDO investors.
Currently, the number of IDOs is directly proportional to the quality of the UI/UX of Launchpads while the number of IDO investors is inversely proportional to the time spent on research. If the time spent researching a particular project becomes reduced, the number of IDO investors will increase, but if the time spent on researching is very high, the number of IDO investors will reduce.
The bottom line is that with the data-driven and transparent solutions we are bringing into the space; potential investors will see no need to spend their life validating or refuting projects. Since DPAD Launchpad is data-driven and transparent in approach (DATAS), investors can easily and conveniently access different top-rated crypto projects without losing their sleep.
About DPAD Finance
Dpad protocol is the world’s first social venture builder creating the next generation Launchpad for founders focused on decentralized Web3 platforms. DPAD has a mission to give wings to upcoming great ideas in the Blockchain ecosystem by providing a completely decentralized, transparent, and simple to use platform for project fundraising and investment opportunities in blockchain startups.
Learn more about DPAD on the following links:
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